I was raised by my father. Back when men raising kids alone was just not done...especially since my father was a fresh immigrant to canada, we over came a lot together. and in my early pre teen's I started to notice how unique our situation was, He made me giggle when i was sad and had great fashion advice, he often taxied my fellow girl guides to and from meet's and there was a 4*4 trail on the route we would tighten our belts and hang on tight laughing cause non of the other girl guide mom's did this. All my friends were making their mom's little flowers and making breakfast in bed, and talking about how wonderful, they were because they wiped there tiers and washed their wounds. and on fathers day we celebrate our strong and hard working dad's and gave them old spice after shave... so I wanted my father to know how much i recognized his maternal side, and decided that mothers day was not just for the female parent it was for the mother figure in your life. and to this day i say happy mothering day to my father... Thank you for great shopping experience's and your concideration...

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